Welcome to the Global APAC2 SiteHandler server.
Server location: Singapore
Release 3H
Latest patch - 3.0.2.R26

Please use the Local Ericsson IT Support/Service Desk for all support communication:
Trouble tickets, request for new project or requests for new/changed functionality.

Please find additional information on the Ericsson intranet:
Links can be accessed only via Ericsson Corporate Network
SiteHandler home page
Ericoll - SiteHandler community

Notice to all users of SiteHandler on APAC 2 instance

This instance hosts projects from countries within RINA, if you need to access SiteHandler projects for Other countries, please log on to APAC SiteHandler instance at these URLs

Internal - https://sitehandler-apac.internal.ericsson.com/apac/

External - https://sitehandler-apac.ericsson.net/apac/

These changes have being done in to improve application performance and availability.